• 青山
  • 丸の内
  • 六本木
  • 渋谷
  • 新宿
  • 心斎橋
  • 高輪
  • 虎ノ門
  • 梅田

30th Anniversary Event (June 1st - 30th)

Barbacoa came to Japan in 1994.
Thanks to you, this year marks the 30th anniversary of our arrival in Japan.
It's all thanks to you all.
thank you.

So with gratitude,
We will be holding a 30th anniversary event in June.

Thirty years have passed since the first store in Japan opened in Aoyama.
We have walked together with you all.

While valuing Brazilian traditions and culture,
In order to provide products and services that meet the needs of Japanese customers,
I have always put in effort.

We hope to continue to be a brand that is loved by everyone.
We will continue to forge ahead.

We look forward to seeing you at our 30th anniversary event.
